09 setembro 2007

the way we were

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Katie: I don't have the right style for you, do I? Be my friend…
Hubbell: No… You don't have the right style.
Katie: I'll Change.
Hubbell: Don’t! Don't change. You're your own girl, you have your own style.
Katie: But then I won't have you. Why can't I have you? Why?
Hubbell: Because you push too hard! Every damn minute. There's no time to ever just relax and enjoy living. Everything's too serious to be so serious.
Katie: If I push too hard it's because I want things to be better, I want us to be better, I want you to be better. Sure I make waves, I mean you have to. And I'll keep making them ‘till you’re everything you should be and will be. You'll never find anyone as good for you as I am, to believe in you as much as I do or love you as much!
Hubbell: I know that.
Katie: Well then why?
Hubbell: Do you think if I come back it’s going to be ok by magic? What's going to changed? What's going to be different? We'll both be wrong, we'll both loose.
Katie: Couldn't we both win?
Hubbel: Katie, you expect so much…
Katie: Oh, but look what I’ve got.

The Way We Were (Sydney Pollack, 1973)

5 comentários:

Ana disse...
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Anônimo disse...

: o

não creio que me pus a ver realmente o vídeo de uma velhada! xD

gosto das quotes de cima. :)


ana david disse...

Mau, respeito por senhoras como a Barbra Streisand sff. À Meryl Streep não chamas tu velhadas, tendo elas a quase a mesma idade. És uma tendeciosa, é o que tu és.
Este filme está todo no you tube, e que tal começares a combater essa urticária a tudo o que seja antes da década de 90? Não? Ok. Fica para a próxima. x)

Anônimo disse...

xiu! eu não vi ainda filmes da meryl streep nova nem irei ver! that's the point. o problema é o filme ser velho xD nao me atrai e acabou. xD (btw, chamei 'velhada' ao filme, não à senhora que nem a reconheci xD)


ana david disse...

Reacção ao teu comentário: toda eu sou desespero.